Chairman’s Statement continued
Your Board considers its governance role in the valuations process to
be of utmost importance. We operate with a Valuations Committee in
addition to an Audit Committee, both playing a key role in assessing
portfolio valuation. Your Board understands that shareholders are often
sceptical of private equity valuations as they cannot be readily verified
in the way that public equities can. We have always maintained a
consistent, rigorous and disciplined approach to valuations and the
results we are reporting reflect an in-depth process, supported by our
advisers. We maintained our multiples in the bull market for fintech
when listed fintech multiples became elevated and so we have not
needed to make subsequent corrections, unlike some others. The six
disposals made to date provide some retrospective validation of this
We have carefully reviewed both the status and the forecasts of all of
the portfolio companies, used appropriate and consistent
methodologies to determine the value of each investment and sense
checked our conclusions. We also benefit from the majority of our
investments occupying a senior position in the capital structures of the
investee companies, offering an element of protection against
downside risk.
Discount Control
The Company’s shares traded at a discount to NAV for the whole of the
year under review and up to the date of this report, notwithstanding the
underlying value and strong prospects of the portfolio.
The Board has continued its programme of highly accretive buybacks,
albeit more modestly in the second half, seeking to convey to the
market our confidence in the value of the portfolio, while also balancing
this with the need for capital to be available for new and follow-on
investments. All the shares repurchased by the Company are being held
in treasury to potentially reissue when the share price returns to
4,687,567 shares were bought back into treasury during the year to
31March 2024 (2023: 5,806,934 shares), at an average price of 97.7p
per share, representing an average discount to the prevailing NAV per
share after performance fee of 38.6% and adding 1.7p/1.1% to the NAV
per share. A further 99,118 shares have been bought back since March,
up to 24June 2024, at an average price of 98.7p per share.
We will seek to renew shareholders’ authorities to issue and buy back
shares at the forthcoming AGM.
Potential Returns of Capital
As set out on page 25 of this annual report, the Company may, at the
discretion of the Directors, return up to 50% of the gains realised during a
year from the disposal of investments. Factors influencing decisions in
this regard include the quantum of sale proceeds, the opportunities
offered by the investment pipeline and the working capital requirements
of the Company. To date the Board has applied a proportion of such gains
to share buybacks, as this has been highly accretive to the Company’s
NAV per share. This notwithstanding, the Directors intend to consult with
shareholders to determine whether other means of cash distribution
would be preferred.
No dividend has been declared or recommended for the year. Your
Company is focused on providing capital growth and has a policy only to
pay dividends to the extent that it is necessary to maintain the Company’s
investment trust status.
There have been no changes to the Board during the year but the three
Directors at IPO in 2018 are all scheduled to retire from the Board at the
same time, so it seems logical to stage these departures and commence
Board refreshment now. After six years in the Chair, I have decided to
retire first and will not be offering myself for re-election at the forthcoming
AGM. We have an excellent mix of skills and experience on the Board
already but intend to supplement our team with a new Director. We have
engaged an independent search firm for this purpose.
It has been my pleasure to chair Augmentum Fintech PLC from its
successful IPO in 2018 and to see it grow into a leading and highly
respected player in European fintech. My grateful thanks to our
shareholders for their support, to my Board colleagues for their diligence
and hard work, and to Tim, Richard and the team at Augmentum Fintech
Management Limited who have together built a much-admired
Our AGM will be held on Thursday 19 September 2024 at 11.00 a.m. at the
Augmentum Fintech Management Limited office at 4 Chiswell Street,
London EC1Y 4UP. Your Board strongly encourages shareholders to
register their votes in advance using the proxy form provided or by voting
online, or if they are not held directly, by instructing the nominee company
through which the shares are held. Registering votes in advance does not
preclude shareholders from attending the meeting.
Details of all of the resolutions can be found in the Notice of AGM, which
is published separately from this annual report and will be sent to
shareholders when the annual report is published. Both documents will
also be available to view on or download from the Company’s website at
Your Directors consider that all the resolutions listed are in the best
interests of the Company and its shareholders and recommend voting in
favour of them, as your Directors intend to do in respect of their own
Interest rates remain stubbornly high for now, but UK and global inflation
numbers are improving which suggests a more positive medium-term
outlook for growth companies. As I write, early-stage growth portfolios
remain out of favour, but our Portfolio Manager has proved its model,
well-illustrated by the returns produced by our six realisations to date.
Additionally, our largest investments are performing very well.
The underlying need to digitalise and transform financial services
remains. The opportunity is undiminished as the traditional operators
continue to dominate, despite inroads made by some stellar fintech
businesses with less costly, and in many cases more secure, business
models. Penetration is still only c.5% across the industry although
adoption of consumer focused fintech by younger demographics is
markedly higher.