Terms of reference

Audit Committee – Terms of Reference

Composition of the Committee

The Committee shall be comprised of three or more independent non-executive Directors appointed by the Board. The Chairman of the Board may be a member of the Committee but may not act as the Committee Chairman. To the extent practicable, at least one member of the Committee should have recent and relevant financial experience ideally with a professional qualification from one of the professional accountancy bodies. The Committee as a whole shall have competence relevant to the sector.


The Committee will meet at least twice each year, to review the drafts of the annual and half-year reports of the Company, for audit planning purposes and at such other times as may be required. A quorum shall be any two members including the Chairman of the Committee, or the Chairman’s nominated delegate.

The Secretary shall minute the proceedings and resolutions of all Committee meetings, including the names of those present and in attendance. The draft minutes of each meeting of the Committee shall be circulated to all members of the Committee and, once agreed by the Committee, will be circulated to all other members of the Board. Any Director, upon request to the Secretary, may obtain copies of the Committee’s agenda and minutes provided that there is no conflict of interests.


The Company Secretary shall act as Secretary to the Committee and should ensure that the Committee receives information and papers in a timely manner to enable full and proper consideration to be given to the issues.


The Committee is authorised to:

(i) investigate and review any matter within its terms of reference and consider any matter the Committee deems relevant to the discharge of its duties;

(ii) seek any information it reasonably requires from a representative of any third party service provider in order to perform its duties;

(iii) request a representative of a third party service provider to attend any meeting of the Committee;
(iv) obtain at the Company’s expense outside legal or other professional advice on any matters within its terms of reference;

(v) have timely and unrestricted access to relevant documents relating to the affairs of the Company; and

(vi) have the right to publish in the Company’s annual report, details of any issues that cannot be resolved between the Committee and the Board.

Principal Responsibilities

The principal responsibilities of the Committee are:

(i) to monitor the integrity of the financial statements of the Company and any formal announcements relating to the Company’s financial performance;

(ii) to review the Company’s internal financial controls and the internal control and risk management systems of the Company and its third party service providers;

(iii) to make recommendations to the Board in relation to the appointment of the external auditors and their remuneration;

(iv) to ensure that the audit services contract is put out to tenure such that the Company complies with the permissible period of tenure and the selection procedure set out in section 489A of the Companies Act 2006;

(v) to review and monitor the Auditors’ independence and objectivity and the effectiveness of the audit process; and

(vi) to develop and implement policy on the engagement of the Auditors to supply non-audit services and taking into account relevant guidance regarding the provision of non-audit services by the Auditors.
The Committee shall report to the Board on how it has discharged its responsibilities.

Financial Reporting

The Committee shall:

(i) where requested, provide advice to the Board on whether the annual report and Accounts, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the company’s position and performance, business model and strategy;

(ii) review the significant financial reporting issues and judgements made in connection with the preparation of the Company’s financial statements, announcements of results and related formal statements

(iii) consider significant accounting policies and whether the polices adopted are appropriate, any changes to them and any significant estimates and judgements;

(iv) review the adequacy and scope of the external audit, compliance with regulatory and financial reporting requirements, the clarity and completeness of disclosures in the financial statements and consider whether the disclosures made are set properly in context;

(v) satisfy itself that the annual and half-year reports and any other significant published financial information are properly and carefully prepared and give a fair representation of the Company’s affairs;

(vi) seek clarification from the Administrator of any changes in accounting policy or treatment affecting the Company’s report and accounts;

(vii) review related information presented with the financial statements, including the operating and financial review, and corporate governance statements relating to the audit and to risk management; and

(viii) where board approval is required for other statements containing financial information (for example, summary financial statements, significant financial returns to regulators and release of price sensitive information), whenever practicable the Committee shall review such statements first.

Internal Controls and Risk Management Systems

The Committee shall:

(i) review the reports on the internal controls of the Company’s service providers which identify the risk management systems in place for assessing, managing and monitoring risks applicable to such service providers;

(ii) establish a process for identifying, assessing, managing and monitoring the risks which may have a financial impact on the Company;

(iii) review reports on the conclusions of any testing carried out by the Auditors; and

(iv) review and approve the statements included in the annual report in relation to internal control and the management of risk.


The Committee shall, from time to time, review the arrangements by which staff of the Investment Adviser and Administrator and other service providers as the Committee sees fit may, in confidence, raise concerns about possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting or other matters and satisfy itself that arrangements are in place for the proportionate and independent investigation of such matters and for appropriate follow-up action.



The Committee, annually, shall monitor and review the need for an internal audit function, and make an appropriate recommendation to the Board.


The Committee shall:

(i) be responsible for making recommendations to the Board on the appointment, reappointment and removal of the Auditors and on their terms of engagement and remuneration;

(ii) meet annually with the Auditors to review the annual results and to discuss any major issues that arose during the course of the audit;

(iii) satisfy itself that the level of fee payable in respect of the audit services provided is appropriate for an effective audit to be conducted;

(iv) review and if necessary seek amendments to the letter of representation to be given by the Board to the Auditors;

(v) review and discuss with the Auditors a) their engagement letter issued at the start of each audit, ensuring that it has been updated to reflect changes in circumstances arising since the previous year, and b) the scope of the audit process proposed to be undertaken by the Auditors;

(vi) annually, assess the qualification, expertise, resources and independence of the Auditors and the effectiveness of the audit process;

(vii) develop and recommend to the Board, the Company’s policy on the provision of non-audit services by the Auditors;

(viii) consider and if appropriate approve all non-audit work to be carried out by the Auditors and, where non-audit services are provided, ensure that the relevant disclosures are made in the annual report regarding auditor objectivity, independence and the fees paid for non-audit work;

(ix) oversee the selection process when conducting audit tenders and appointing new external auditors; and

(x) at the end of the annual audit cycle, assess the effectiveness of the audit process.

The Committee shall disclose the workings of the Committee in the annual report, ensuring that the Terms of Reference for the Committee are generally available upon request or on the Company’s website and that the annual report contains the Directors’ explanation of their responsibility for preparing the accounts and a statement by the Auditors about their reporting responsibilities.

The Committee shall ensure disclosure in the annual report of:

(i) the Company’s investment objective and investment policy and the Company’s full portfolio listing;

(ii) those areas of decision-making reserved to the board and those over which the Investment Adviser has discretion;

(iii) the Investment Adviser’s overall performance;

(iv) ongoing charges figures and their impact on capital erosion per share class; and

(v) relevant bank-borrowing covenant details, indicating the consequences of any material breach.

The Committee will prepare a separate section of the annual report to describe the work of the Committee in discharging its responsibilities. This report will include:

(i) the significant issues that the Committee considered in relation to the financial statements, and how these issues were addressed;

(ii) an explanation of how it has assessed the effectiveness of the external audit process and the approach taken to the appointment or reappointment of the Auditors, and information on the length of tenure of the current audit firm and when a tender was last conducted; and

(iii) if the Auditors provides non-audit services, an explanation of how Auditors objectivity and independence is safeguarded.


In these Terms of Reference, unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall apply:

“Administrator” means Frostrow Capital LLP, or such other administrator appointed by the Company from time to time;

“Auditors” means the auditors appointed by the Company from time to time;

“Board” means the board of Directors;

“Chairman” means the chairman of the Committee;

“Committee” means the audit committee of the Company;

“Company” means Augmentum Fintech plc (company no. 11118262);

“Company Secretary” means the company secretary of the Company from time to time;

“Directors” mean the directors of the Company from time to time;

“Investment Adviser” means Augmentum Capital LLP (registration no. OC350764), or such other investment adviser appointed by the Company from time to time; and

“Secretary” means the secretary of the Committee.

Valuations Committee – Terms of Reference approved on 13 March 2019

  • Reference to the “Committee” shall mean the Valuations Committee
  • Reference to the “Board” shall mean the Board of Directors
  • Reference to “independent non-executive directors” shall mean directors deemed by the Board to be independent

1. Membership and attendance at meetings

  • Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board, in consultation with the Chairman of the Valuations Committee. The Committee shall be made up of at least two members.
  • The members of the Committee shall be independent non-executive directors at least one of who shall have recent and relevant financial experience.
  • Other individuals such as representatives of the Portfolio Manager, representatives of the AIFM or representatives of the external auditors may be invited to attend all or part of any meeting as and when appropriate.
  • Appointments to the Committee shall be for a period of up to three years, which may be extended for two further three year periods, provided the director remains independent.
  • The Board shall appoint the Committee Chairman who shall be an independent non-executive director. In the absence of the Committee Chairman the remaining members present shall elect one of themselves to chair the meeting.

2. Secretary

  • The Company Secretary or their nominee shall act as the Secretary of the Committee.

3. Quorum

  • The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be two members. A duly convened meeting of the Committee at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions vested in or exercisable by the Committee.

4. Frequency of Meetings

  • The Committee shall meet at least twice a year in connection with the preparation of the annual and half year reports in March and November.

5. Notice of Meetings

  • Meetings of the Committee shall be summoned by the Secretary of the Committee at the request of any of its members.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, time and date together with an agenda of items to be discussed, shall be forwarded to each member of the Committee and any other person required to attend, no later than three working days before the date of the meeting. Supporting papers shall be sent to Committee members and to other attendees as appropriate, at the same time.

6. Minutes of Meetings

  • The Secretary shall minute the proceedings and resolutions of all meetings of the Committee, including recording the names of those present and in attendance.
  • The Secretary shall ascertain, at the beginning of each meeting, the existence of any conflicts of interest and minute them accordingly.
  • Minutes of Committee meetings shall be circulated promptly to all members of the Committee and, once agreed, to all members of the Board.

7. Annual General Meeting

  • The Chairman of the Committee shall attend the Annual General Meeting prepared to respond to any shareholder questions on the Committee’s activities.

8. Duties

  • The Committee should carry out the duties below.

Investment Process

  • The Committee shall monitor the investment decisions made by the Portfolio Manager /AIFM in order to gain an understanding of how the investment process works.
  • The Committee shall understand the rationale of why investments have been made.
  • The Committee shall be aware of which executives of the Portfolio Manager/AIFM are responsible for the supervision of particular investments.

Valuation Process

  • The Committee shall ensure that the Company has a Valuation Policy, which is approved by the Board in conjunction with the AIFM. The Committee will ensure that the Valuation Policy complies with the obligations within any agreements in place, legislation, regulations, guidance and other policies of the Company. The Committee will review the Valuation Policy and the Valuations Procedures at least annually and approve any proposed changes to procedures or recommend any changes to policy to the Board and the AIFM.
  • The Valuations Committee will implement the valuation policy and procedures, by supervising the process to ensure that the valuation remains in accordance with the Board’s policy, and by reviewing and approving the valuation prepared by the Valuations Working Group.
  • The Committee shall review the valuation papers produced by the Portfolio Manager and AIFM as at each year end and half year and ensure these are prepared in accordance with the Valuations Procedures. The Committee will discuss the valuations papers with the Portfolio Manager and the AIFM and representatives of the auditors with a view to assessing the reasonableness of the valuations of the investments in the annual and half year accounts.

The Committee shall consider, inter alia:

  • the consistency of the Valuation Process both on a year on year basis and across the Company’s portfolio;
  • the methods used in the valuation of significant or unusual transactions particularly where different approaches are possible;
  • whether the Portfolio Manager/AIFM has followed appropriate standards and made appropriate estimates and judgements, taking into account the views of the external auditor;
  • any substantive differences that have legitimately occurred between the exit price and the previous Fair Value assessment (“backtesting”);
  • the clarity of valuation disclosure in the Company’s financial reports and the context in which statements are made.

Reporting Responsibilities

The Committee Chairman shall report formally to both the Audit Committee and the Board on its proceedings after each meeting on all matters within its duties and responsibilities;

  • The Committee shall make whatever recommendations to both the Audit Committee and the Board it deems appropriate on any area within its remit where action or improvement is needed; and
  • The Committee shall ensure that a report on its activities is included in the Company’s Annual Report.

9. Other Matters

The Committee shall:

  • have access to sufficient resources in order to carry out its duties, including access to the company secretary for assistance as required;
  • be provided with appropriate and timely training, both in the form of an induction programme for new members and on an ongoing basis for all members;
  • give due consideration to laws and regulations, the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code and the requirements of the UK Listing Authority’s Listing Rules as appropriate;
  • oversee any investigation of activities which are within its terms of reference and act as a court of last resort; and
  • at least once a year, review its effectiveness and terms of reference and recommend any changes it considers necessary to the Board for approval.

10. Authority

The Committee is authorised:

  • to seek any information it requires from the Portfolio Manager, the AIFM of the Company or any other party in order to perform its duties; and
  • to obtain, at the Company’s expense, outside legal or other professional advice on any matter within its terms of reference.

11. Adoption of terms of reference

These terms of reference were first approved by the Committee on 13 March 2019 and last amended on 4 June 2019.

Management Engagement and Remuneration Committee – Terms of Reference (Approved on 12 February 2018, last reviewed on 14 September 2022)


These Terms of Reference have been produced to accord with the relevant Principles of The AIC Code of Corporate Governance published in February 2019 (Principles 9.1 (P to R) and Provisions 9.2 (37 to 42)). The Financial Reporting Council has confirmed that AIC member companies who report against the AIC Code of Corporate Governance and who follow the AIC’s Corporate Governance Guide for Investment Companies will be meeting their obligations in relation its UK Corporate Governance Code.

Composition of the Committee

The Committee shall be comprised of three non-executive directors. Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board.

Appointments shall be for a period of up to three years, which may be extended for further periods of up to three years, provided the Director still meets the criteria for membership of the Committee.

The Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the Board and shall be an independent Director. The Chairman of the Board may be a member of the Committee but may not act as the Chairman of the Committee.


The Committee will meet at least once each year and at such other times as the Chairman of the Committee shall require.

A quorum shall be any two members including the Chairman of the Committee, or the Chairman’s nominated delegate.

Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, date and time together with an agenda of items to be discussed and supporting papers, shall be forwarded to each member of the Committee not less than three working days prior to the date of the meeting.

The Chairman of the Committee will report to the Board on the Committee’s decisions and recommendations.

The Secretary shall minute the proceedings and resolutions of all Committee meetings, including the names of those present and in attendance. Draft minutes of Committee meetings shall be circulated promptly to all members of the Committee. Minutes should be circulated to all other members of the Board only when the minutes have been agreed by the Committee.


The Committee may invite other Directors to attend and may request representatives of the third party service providers to the Company or any other relevant person to attend meetings but such invitees shall have no right of attendance.


The Company Secretary shall act as Secretary to the Committee and should ensure that the Committee receives information and papers in a timely manner to enable full and proper consideration to be given to the issues.

The Committee shall have access to sufficient resources in order to carry out its duties and shall be provided with appropriate and timely training, both in the form of an induction programme for new members and on an on-going basis for all members.


The Committee is authorised to:

(i) investigate and review any matter within its terms of reference and consider any matter it deems relevant to the discharge of its duties;

(ii) seek any information it reasonably requires from a representative of any third party service provider in order to perform its duties;

(iii) request a representative of a third party service provider to attend any meeting of the Committee (including without limitation a representative of the Portfolio Manager);

(iv) obtain at the Company’s expense outside legal or other professional advice on any matters within its terms of reference;

(v) have timely and unrestricted access to relevant documents relating to the affairs of the Company; and

(vi) have the right to publish in the Company’s annual report, details of any issues that cannot be resolved between the Committee and the Board.

Director remuneration should reflect their duties, responsibilities and the value of their time spent.

Noting that the Portfolio Manager, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and has employees, the Committee shall perform the duties listed below in respect of the Company and each entity within the Group, as appropriate.

The Committee shall:

(i) recommend the remuneration policy for the Directors (including the Chairman of the Board), the Management Team and staff of the Portfolio Manager, including pension rights and compensation payments (the “Remuneration Policy”). The Board itself or, where required by the Articles, the shareholders, should determine the remuneration of the non-executive Directors within the limits set in the Articles. No Director shall be involved in any decisions as to their own remuneration;

(ii) recommend and monitor the level and structure of remuneration for the Directors and the Management Team and staff of the Portfolio Manager;

(iii) periodically review the management fee payable to the Portfolio Manager with the intention of ensuring that the fee reflects the costs of operating the Portfolio Manager; and seek to agree adjustments (upwards or downwards) to the management fee from time to time to reflect such costs;

(iv) oversee the allocation to the Management Team of the carried interest fees paid to the Portfolio Manager;

(v) in determining the Remuneration Policy, take into account all factors which it deems necessary including account remuneration trends, relevant legal and regulatory requirements, the provisions and recommendations of the AIC Code and associated guidance;

(vi) when setting the Remuneration Policy, review and have regard to conditions across the Group, especially when determining increases in remuneration;

(vii) review the on-going appropriateness and relevance of the Remuneration Policy;

(viii) further to (ii) above, oversee remuneration arrangements within the Portfolio Manager, ensuring that the aggregate remuneration of the Portfolio Manager’s staff does not exceed the amount available from the portfolio management fee plus any retained and distributable reserves in the Portfolio Management Company after it’s other operating costs are met;

(ix) consider whether provision should be made for additional remuneration for non-executive Directors where they are involved in duties beyond those normally expected as part of the Director’s appointment;

(x) obtain reliable, up-to-date information about remuneration in other comparable entities of similar scale and complexity. To help it fulfil its obligations the Committee shall have full authority to appoint remuneration consultants and to commission or purchase any reports, surveys or information which it deems necessary at the expense of the Company but within any budgetary restraints imposed by the Board;

(xi) be exclusively responsible for establishing the selection criteria, selecting, appointing and setting the terms of reference for any remuneration consultants who advise the Committee;

(xii) ensure that contractual terms on termination, and any payments made, are fair to the individual, and the relevant entity within the Group, that failure is not rewarded and that the duty to mitigate loss is fully recognised;

(xiii) oversee any major changes in benefits structures throughout the Group;

(xiv) agree the policy for authorising claims for expenses from the Directors, the Management Team and the staff at the Portfolio Manager; and

(xv) work and liaise as necessary with all other Board committees.

The Committee shall report to the Board on its proceedings after each meeting on all matters within its duties and responsibilities.

The Committee shall make whatever recommendations to the Board it deems appropriate on any area within its remit where action or improvement is needed.

If the Committee has appointed remuneration consultants, the annual report of the Remuneration Policy should identify such consultants and state whether they have any other connection with the Group.

Through the Chairman of the Board, the Committee shall ensure that the Company maintains contact as required with its principal shareholders about remuneration within the Group.

The Committee shall give due consideration to laws, regulations and any other published guidelines or recommendations regarding the remuneration of directors of listed companies and the formation and operation of share schemes including but not limited to the provisions of the AIC Code and the requirements of the FCA’s Listing Rules, Prospectus Rules and Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules as well as any guidelines published by the Investment Association, Pensions & Investment Research Consultants Ltd (PIRC) and Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association and any other applicable rules, as appropriate.

The Committee shall arrange for periodic reviews of its own performance and, at least annually, review its constitution and these terms of reference to ensure it is operating at maximum effectiveness and recommend any changes it considers necessary for Board approval.

The Committee should regularly review both the performance of, and contractual arrangements with, the AIFM and Portfolio Manager and in that regard the Committee shall:

(i) monitor and evaluate the Portfolio Manager’s performance (and, if necessary, provide appropriate guidance) and compliance by the Portfolio Manager with the terms of the Alternative Investment Fund Management Agreement entered into between the Company and the Portfolio Manager from time to time;

(ii) require the Portfolio Manager to provide attribution analyses and consider whether these should be published at least annually;

(iii) review at least annually the continued retention of the Portfolio Manager’s services;

(iv) review the level and method of remuneration and the notice period. Due weight should be given to the competitive position of the Company against its peer group;

(v) review the annual fee basis;

(vi) ensure that the Portfolio Manager has an appropriate risk management and internal control system designed to safeguard the shareholders’ investment and the Company’s assets; and

(vii) produce a disclosure statement to be included in the Company’s annual report about its activities (including an overview of the review of the effectiveness of the Portfolio Manager’s risk management and internal control systems designed to safeguard the shareholders’ investment and the Company’s assets) and any decisions and the rationale for those decisions.

The Committee should monitor and evaluate other service providers to the Company from time to time, including by:

(i) reviewing and considering the appointment and remuneration of service providers to the Company; and

(ii) considering any points of conflict which may arise between the providers of services to the Company.

The Committee shall report accordingly in the Company’s annual report.


In these Terms of Reference, unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions shall apply:

“AIC” means the Association of Investment Companies;

“AIC Code” means the AIC Code of Corporate Governance;

“Articles” means the Company’s articles of association, as may be amended from time to time;

“Board” means the board of Directors;

“Chairman” means the chairman of the Committee;

“Committee” means the management engagement committee of the Company;

“Company” means Augmentum Fintech plc (company no. 11118262);

“Company Secretary” means the company secretary of the Company from time to time;

“Directors” mean the non-executive directors of the Company from time to time;

“Group” means the Company and its subsidiaries from time to time;

“KMP” means Key Management Personnel;

“Management Team” means the portfolio management team of the Portfolio Manager;

“Portfolio Manager” means Augmentum Fintech Management Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company;

“Portfolio Management Agreement” means the portfolio management agreement between, inter alia, the Company and the Portfolio Manager; and

“Secretary” means the secretary of the Committee.

Nominations Committee – Terms of Reference


These terms of reference have been produced to accord with the relevant Principles of The AIC Code of Corporate Governance.

The Financial Reporting Council has confirmed that AIC Member companies that report against the AIC Code of Corporate Governance and who follow the AIC’s Corporate Governance Guide for Investment Companies will be meeting their obligations in relation its UK Corporate Governance Code and Listing Rule 9.8.6.

Composition of the Committee

The Committee shall be comprised of three non-executive directors. Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board.

Appointments shall be for a period of up to three years, which may be extended for further periods of up to three years, provided the Director still meets the criteria for membership of the Committee.

The Chairman of the Board will continue to be the Chairman of the Committee with the exception of Committee meetings dealing with Board Chairmanship succession.


The Committee will meet at least once each year and at such other times as the Chairman of the Committee shall require.

A quorum shall be any two members including the Chairman of the Committee, or the Chairman’s nominated delegate.

Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, date and time together with an agenda of items to be discussed and supporting papers, shall be forwarded to each member of the Committee not less than three working days prior to the date of the meeting.

The Chairman of the Committee will report to the Board on the Committee’s decisions and recommendations.

The Secretary shall minute the proceedings and resolutions of all Committee meetings, including the names of those present and in attendance. Draft minutes of Committee meetings shall be circulated promptly to all members of the Committee. Minutes should be circulated to all other members of the Board only when the minutes have been agreed by the Committee.


The Committee may invite other Directors to attend and may request representatives of the third party service providers to the Company or any other relevant person to attend meetings but such invitees shall have no right of attendance.


The Company Secretary shall act as Secretary to the Committee and should ensure that the Committee receives information and papers in a timely manner to enable full and proper consideration to be given to the issues.

The Committee shall have access to sufficient resources in order to carry out its duties and shall be provided with appropriate and timely training, both in the form of an induction programme for new members and on an on-going basis for all members.


The members of the Committee are authorised by the Board to carry out any action or investigation relevant to its terms of reference. Members are authorised to seek any information they require from any Company officer and to obtain expert advice from the Company’s external auditors, professional advisers or otherwise, and to take independent professional advice and to request any officer or adviser as they see fit, and at the expense of the Company, to attend meetings of the Committee in order to obtain such information or advice.


The Committee will at all times ensure that the Company follows the AIC Code.

In particular, the duties of the Committee are:

i. to regularly review the structure, size and composition of the Board in relation to its current position and any recommendations for change.

ii. to evaluate the balance of skills, knowledge and experience on the board and, in light of this
evaluation, prepare a description of the role and capabilities for a particular appointment.

iii. to lead the process for board appointments and make recommendations to the board. Ensuring that the search for board candidates is conducted, and appointments made, on merit, against objective criteria and with due regard for the benefits of diversity on the board, including gender.

iv. to give full consideration to succession planning in the course of the committee’s work. Any term beyond six years for a non-executive director should be subject to particularly rigorous review, and should take into account the need for progressive refreshing of the board.

v. to review annually the time required from a non-executive director.

vi. to keep under review the leadership needs of the organisation with a view to ensuring the continued ability of the Company to compete effectively in the market place.

vii. for the appointment of a chairman to prepare a job specification, including an assessment of the time commitment expected, recognising the need for availability in the event of crises.

viii. to ensure that on appointment to the board non-executive directors receive a formal letter of appointment setting out clearly what is expected of them in terms of time commitment, committee service and involvement outside board meetings.

10th of June 2019

Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy

Bribery is the accepting of gifts, money, hospitality or other favours in return for providing something of value to the briber. The purpose of this policy is to set out the rules that must be followed to ensure that no bribery occurs.

The Bribery Act 2010 contains two general offences covering the offering, promising or giving of a bribe and the requesting, agreeing to receive or accepting of a bribe. It also sets out two further offences which specifically address commercial bribery: one relating to the bribery of a foreign public official in order to obtain or retain business or an advantage in the conduct of business and one creating a new form of corporate liability which an organisation can commit by failing to prevent bribery of any of its employees, subsidiaries, agents or service providers or other associated persons (defined as a person who “performs services” for or on behalf of an organisation and may include employees, contractors, agents, service providers and subsidiaries) in an attempt to obtain or retain business or a business advantage both in the UK or internationally.

The Board of Augmentum Fintech plc has adopted a zero tolerance approach to instances of bribery and corruption. Accordingly it expressly prohibits any Director or associated persons when acting on behalf of the Company, accepting, soliciting, paying, offering or promising to pay or authorise any payment, public or private, in the United Kingdom or abroad to secure any improper benefit for themselves or for the Company. Reasonable hospitality and business entertainment expenses which seek to establish good relationships or facilitate a business transaction are allowed under the Bribery Act 2010. Augmentum Fintech plc maintains a policy of approving and monitoring all hospitality and business entertainment expenses up to £150. Directors claiming such expenses are required to record the name of the guest and nature of business. The Directors concerned must be present at the entertainment activities.

The Directors of Augmentum Fintech plc recognise their responsibilities in ensuring that the Company has a robust policy to avoid such practices and to ensure compliance with its legal obligations. The Board insists that it is informed immediately of any identified instances of bribery or corruption within any of its principal service providers and Auditors, and that a copy of the anti Bribery and Corruption Policy in place, together with a report detailing any identified instances of bribery or corruption and details of the corrective courses of action taken, are provided for its review on an annual basis.

As part of a risk based approach, the Board will carry out an annual risk assessment on matters relating to bribery, involving due diligence enquiries in respect of persons who perform or will perform services for or on behalf of the Company, in order to mitigate identified risks. However, the Board confirms that such a review will be carried out more frequently if, for example, the Company’s investment policy were to change, if a perceived low risk country of investment became a higher risk or if a new Portfolio Manager, Alternative Investment Fund Manager or other principal service provider were appointed. Due diligence records will be kept and be made available for inspection by compliance or statutory auditors.

The Board will review this policy at least on an annual basis and will ensure that it is publicly available on the Company’s website.

Principal Service Providers and Auditors

Augmentum Fintech Management Limited – Portfolio Manager

Frostrow Capital LLP – Alternative Investment Fund Manager

Link Group – Registrars

BDO LLP – Auditors

Peel Hunt LLP – Joint Corporate Broker

Singer Capital Markets – Joint Corporate Broker

June 2022

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